They form the most basic platform for prayer, teaching and fellowship. Meeting once a week, these groups create a favorable environment for growth in the movement. They involve an informal but lively time of praise and worship, a spirit-filled scripture sharing, intercessions and a joyful time of interaction with each other.
Young people and families come together regularly for prayer and fellowship within the movement. Such progressively growing cells, with 5 to 10 members, ensure ongoing spiritual formation and are an important platform for mutual enrichment and spiritual guidance. The small size of the cells provide the opportunity for a deeper time of sharing and listening.
A Household is the fundamental unit of life in the Jesus Youth movement. Households are forums where the members in the movement come together every month for prayer, sharing, scripture reflection, catechism, and discussion on human and ecclesial realities that are relevant to a common commitment. The Jesus Youth Household can be perceived as an answer to the yearning of the movement to enter deeply into the missionary life of the Church. The movement brings out regular monthly scripture reflections which become the key spiritual material around which the household gatherings revolve.
These groups evolved as a response to the spiritual needs of families living in urban centres with hectic lifestyles. They are hosted in homes, offices, colleges and other spaces. With a maximum number of around 15 people, the small groups are designed to split and multiply. The Jesus Youth Prayer and Study Materials are key tools in these small group gatherings.