Jesus Youth UK conducted their second national Teens conference, 'IGNITE' 2024, this August, led entirely by young adults who have journeyed with the teens ministry for the last 4 years. The hearts of 160 participants were re-ignited by the love of Christ, with thought-provoking talks, Spirit-filled praise and worship sessions led by the JYUK Teens Ministry, engaging workshops and more.
The young people shared that they had an amazing time, were able to experience God during Eucharistic adoration, had many of their questions answered, and left the conference with a desire to continue this journey they had begun with the person of Jesus Christ. Leading on from the conference, the young people will continue in local prayer groups and have an opportunity to attend regional retreats, ‘Chosen’ - the teens Discipleship Training Program and a 3-year formation programme called 'Exodus'.
The Summer camp organized by Jesus Youth Germany ended in a graceful and blessed time for youth, families and children of all ages. It was held in a youth centre in Mannheim that hosted close to 100 participants from all over Germany. The highlights of the camp were games, outdoor activities, a wide range of spiritual and non-spiritual workshops, daily Holy Mass, a Taize night Vigil, Cultural evening, and sessions revolving around the topic S.A.L.T(Set apart as a living Testament). The engaging sessions and activities were a clear reminder of how each one was called to set apart their lives as a living Monstranz for God. The program aimed at freshers as well as active Jesus youth members was a delightful time that embraced the true goodness of fellowship, sharing and community life.
Please click the link for the video | S.A.L.T https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRDc5BTLmys